Reading in Michigan @ Sidetrack Bookshop
Aaron discusses and reads from Hotel Cuba at Sidetrack Bookshop in Royal Oak, Michigan.
Aaron discusses and reads from Hotel Cuba at Sidetrack Bookshop in Royal Oak, Michigan.
Aaron will be teaching a three-session class about the stories of Lorrie Moore online via Politics and Prose, beginning Aug. 29.
Sep. 29-Oct 1 In Lewes, DE. More info to come!
Join Aaron and author Suzanne Strempek Shea in Maine for this multi-day generative writing conference focusing on short forms, Oct. 12-15.
Aaron discusses Hotel Cuba
Aaron discusses Hotel Cuba along with A. J. Sidransky, author of Incident at San Miguel
Aaron presents Hotel Cuba at the JCC of Metro Detroit along with author Nina Simon, over lunch!
Aaron's going to be appearing at the Texas Book Festival along with Luis Alberto Urrea as they discuss "Epic Stories of Women on the Fringe in Historical Fiction" Saturday, Nov. 11, 1:45 pm-2:30 pm CT
Fiction Panel with Weina Randel
Book Talk about Hotel Cuba, sponsored by CCJCC, Cong. B'nai Shalom and Jewish Book Council in partnership with Diablo Valley Hadassah. Nov 30, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM PST Online via Zoom